Insert Saturday Night Live reference...
Here's what's going on in the land of the CarHUD.
I got a new computer since my 2006 MacBook isn't able to do much building and I'm going to be away from the crappy 64bit Celeron Toshiba I've been using for Yocto builds.
I've spent a decent bit getting my Yocto environment back up and running. I had initially checked out the master branch for both Yocto poky and meta-raspberrypi and things weren't building properly.
Decided to check out the dora branch of poky and meta-raspberrypi and updated the checkout of the Raspberry Pi firmware to a commit yesterday. Finally got my debug and full images built.
The end goal was to test the ability of my HUD projector controller script to load properly with the init script and start the LED Matrices.
Sure enough, that worked. I also tried to seeing if my LCD monitor would work without the backlight and have it use the LED Matrices. That kind of worked, since I wasn't attached to the car, the HUD GUI code crashed due to the ELM-327 device not connecting to the vehicle. I need to make a quick test code in pygame to see how well the large text in green works.
I also don't know if the two LED Matrices will be enough, they're definitely bright and way brighter than the backlight of the that is installed in the monitor, but I won't have a reflective surface to help intensify it.
I need to get a pin header to test my STN1110 board from SparkFun with the car to verify my pyelm327 library will communicate with it.
I'm getting closer to getting everything working together. I'm definitely worried about the projector part of the system now, that is going to be the more challenging part of this project.